Me vs Men

Being in a modern time I expect more equality between men and women but of course there will never be complete equality 100 = 100 sort of thing coz men and women are born different.

One of the characters I hate is GIVING ORDER…it doesn’t have to be done in a harsh or commanding way; it might be done in a most subtle or sweet way; in the end it’s still an order. REQUEST can be a tricky thing too. Basically the SUPERIORITY atmosphere is killing the romance for me.

Sometimes a simple thing like…”I want you to come in a dress”…but what if I feel like wearing a skirt or moreover shorts. Bossy over a simple thing…I may have to signal MAYDAY.

I love FREEDOM and MUTUALITY. There shouldn’t be one doing more for the other. In the end, one would feel drained.

Women are emotional being…so are men

Women are sensitive…so are men

Women are illogical…really??!…so are men

I love men but the ones who see me as a partner. Some see me as a future care giver, sex object and submissive woman who obeys.

Respecting one another as fellow human being is essential.

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